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Nothing captures the vibrant Ward One Community like the photographs shared by the residents. Each subject will take you to a gallery of photos.


If you were a resident and would like to share photographs or identify a person in a photo please contact us.



Many of the residents attended Booker T. Washington High School. Educator Celia Dial Saxton was also a Ward One resident and many in the community attended her elementary school.

unidentified photos


There are curently no photographs in this gallery.



Churches were an itegral part of the community. There are seven churches that were in the Ward, many still around today in different locations across Columbia.



See if you can identify and old friends in these pictures from the Ward.

the neighborhood


The Ward One community was where present day University of South Carolina buildings are today, like the Coliseum and Greek Village. See what the Ward looked like before urban renewal.

ward one today


Check out a few photographs of what residents of the Ward are doing today. Many are from Ward One Reunoin organization events. For more, go to the reunion page here.

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